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Seven previously unreported β-transitions to highly excited states in 36 Ar have been identified. Proton transitions were found from levels at 9217, 94 keV in 36 Ar and α-transitions from levels at 8860, 8890, 968 keV. Protons and α-particles emitted from levels in 36 Ar following the β-decay of 36 K have been measured.

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While other proton loss mechanisms may also be operating, the results indicate that charge exchange can entirely account for the storm-time proton ring current decay, and that this mechanism must be considered in all studies involving the loss of proton ring current particles. After several days of decay, the proton fluxes reached a lower limit where an apparent equilibrium was maintained, between weak particle source mechanisms and the loss mechanisms, until fresh protons were injected into the ring current region during substorms. It was found that after the initial rapid decay of the proton flux, the equatorially mirroring protons in the energy range 5 to 30 keV decayed throughout the L-value range of 3.5 to 5.0 at the charge exchange decay rate calculated by Liemohn.

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Data on general characteristics of the families and anthropometric measurements on both the child and the mother were collected by well trained field workers. The cross-sectional study design was implemented. Objectives: To describe the nutritional status of children from well being families, and its related determinant factors.Methods: A total of 235 children aged 12-36 months from middle upper socio-economic status in Bogor city, West Java had been studied.


Husaini Full Text Available NUTRITIONAL STATUS CHARACTERISTICS AND ITS RELATED DETERMINANT FACTORS AMONG HEALTHY CHILDREN AGED 12-36 MONTHS FROM MIDDLE UP SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS.Background: There are very few studies had been carried out among children from middle up socio-economy status, and therefore, the prevalence of malnutrition as well as characteristics of nutritional status of children from middle­ upper socioeconomic families have not been well reported. Uji coba skala kecil dilakukan di klub Forki Kota Yogyakarta berjumlah 7 anak.ĭari hasil analisis data penilaian para ahli materi dan kuesioner anak, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa model latihan karate kids pada anak usia SD kelas atas (10-12 tahun ini dinilai baik dan efektif. Penelitian pengembangan ini dilakukan dengan mengadaptasi langkah-langkah penelitian sebagai berikut: (1 pengumpulan informasi di lapangan, (2 melakukan analisis terhadap informasi yang telah dikumpulkan, (3 mengembangkan produk awal, (4 validasi ahli dan revisi, (5 uji coba lapangan skala kecil dan revisi, (6 uji coba lapangan skala besar dan revisi, dan (7 pembuatan produk final. Widha Srianto Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model latihan karate kids pada anak usia sekolah dasar (SD kelas atas (10-12 tahun. Jejak-jejak penjajahan bangsa Eropa dan bangsa Asia Timur Raya tersebut di Indonesia terekam secara jelas dalam sastra Indonesia modern, misalnya dalam tiga sajak Indonesia modern, yaitu sajak 'Hang Tuah' karya Amir Hamzah yang merekam jejak pcrlawanan terhadap kolonial bangsa Postugis, sajak 'Apa Kata Laut Banda' karya Mansur Samin yang merekam jejak perlawanan pahlawan Maluku terhadap kolonial bangsa Belanda, dan sajak 'Sontanglelo' karya Mansur Samin yang merekam jejak perlawanan pcmuda Batak terhadap penjajahan bangsa Jepang.

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